Only members and punch pass clients may access our online registration system. Ask the front desk staff to email you your login access! Online Registration begins at 7:30AM the DAY BEFORE the class; (No advanced reservations).
Participants must scan-in or check-in with Front Desk upon arrival. Classes are 1-hour duration. 30-minute break between classes for cleaning and participant changeover.
If a class is FULL; you may enter your name on to the WAITLIST. If there is a participant cancellation, Evolution staff will contact the first person on the waitlist and offer the spot to him/her. If we can not get a hold of you, we will move on to the next name on the waitlist. We highly recommend showing up at the time of the class, as there is often Last-Minute cancellations and No-Shows that create an available spot!
Cancellation cutoff is 2-hour prior to class. When you no-show for a class you registered for, you are preventing others from enjoying that class! All no-show’s will be charged a $5 no-show fee; repeat no-shows will lose registration privileges!
Yoga mats available, you are encouraged to bring your own mat. Yoga props provided and all classes feature ceiling mounted Yoga Panels® Infrared heaters for warmth. Yoga class size is limited to 12 participants to allow for spacious movement (1000 ft 2 Studio Space)
Group Ex Classes are available from September to May with a two week break over X-mas holidays and no classes June-Aug. Instructor availability and class schedule may change at any time, please see online calendar for weekly availability.